Run: EASY Previous Next


5:30 PM

4.3 mi



8 / 10
5 / 10
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Windy and wet again but pleased to do at least 4.2 miles in the same pattern as yesterday - first two miles building up gradually speed and the second half fast / tempo pace. My legs were difficult today to the end of the run but managed o.k. The CS was moderate and it took long time to warm up with tightness in both legs. Eventually I was in control and able to increase speed without pain but put a lot of effort. The last days I have discovered that I am now able to run faster with less effort .. in a way that my body feels stronger after the recent training to respond to another level of speed. I have not felt able to do so since I got CS. It is the first time that I am able to maintain speed for at least 3 to 4 miles. This has come as a surprise to me.
