Run: EASY Previous Next


5.5 mi


10:11 mi


128 lb



5 / 10
3 / 10


An easy run around home area. A fair estimate of time but distance is accurate. By effort I estimate that I run low 10's, as my Garmin was overloaded with history laps and recorded nothing.

I felt tired for last mile. My foot definitely feels the road surface and responds to it not in a good way. It can no longer tolerate tarmac and side slopes etc. It also affects the perennial muscle on the left foot. All together I now know that road is not the best place for me to run. So, I have to maximise running on the track and maybe do a bit of hill work once per week to work different muscles and prepare (hopefully) for my last race in Stoupa on 5th July. It is getting nearer now and I am feeling excited as well as apprehensive. Two 'evils' that I will have to fight ... . . . .The toe joint pain and the heat and extreme humidity of July month. It is going to be like an oven for me. But as long as I can deal with the foot I will give my best shot.

Back to the 'Now' though. Overall my day today was fine and keep on running. -:)
