Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


5:40 AM

7 mi



6 / 10
5 / 10


It was tough again to start with not with pain but feeling the gravity on both legs and it took a while before warmed up. So, for the first 4 miles was hard going. At that point and whilst I had completed one round of the CD Town I felt it was time to go home. But then I said to myself ..."of course I can do another round even if legs feel heavy at least I had no pain. It was good because legs felt slightly lighter and I finished the reminder of the course in a lot stronger pace and feeling better in self. It is amazing how CS does allow me to go faster it almost feels as it is in control of your entire body. Somehow you feel the gravity pulling you down and one needs to put 3 times more effort to achieve desirable results. At times I do know I am going very fast but not fast enough as my legs dictate the physical movement. Of course up hills I take my revenge when I am well warmed up. It is always the battle between mind/soul and body. Music tonight was a bliss. It helped so much to take my mind off negative thougths. Started with beautiful Loreena, then Stevie, then some on my favourite Greek music and also Michael J and J + Dire Straits. What a lovely random combination and vibrant music at times as I needed it. I love rythm and this seems to heal my soul while body fights the CS. It was a nice run and once again I felt so lucky that I can still run and feel good and strong in the end. I wish I had someone close to my own ability to run with at times. I cannot nowadays assess progress as CS really puzzles me. Time is one way but I am sure I will give better fight when running next to another body. The thing is I do like run by myself and I would rather have it this way than the other. Ian and I have tried many times to put another run but we are both busy with work demands so have been unable to run together.
