Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


5 mi


8:42 mi


Another run in the dark after work under The Dumfries Street Lights. I felt better tonight and a lot stronger. I felt I could run a lot faster if I wanted but I didn't as I am planning to do a faster workout tomorrow on the track. I like pacing myself evenly and allow time for recovery after a long distance run at least a couple of days. My body usually recovers very quickly. Tonight was my best run in terms of quality in Dumfries Town. Somehow I now feel that I am coming to terms running in Town as I have no other option. It is a matter of getting familiar with the roads/pavements/ routes etc. In the country one sets off and the route naturally evolves whilst in the Town there are too many humans, cars and other destructions + one has to think hard to avoid the hazards which means that looses focus on running from the inside. Even on the track I feel great as I can maintain a running mode and become detached from all destructions. In the dark roads of Dumfries I need to watch who is comiing and who is going etc. Two to 3 months and then will go back to normal.
