Run: EASY Previous Next


5 mi


8 / 10
4 / 10
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I did not feel today I could do miles and distance due to the illness. So, I decided to compromise with a shorter easier run. I run in Dumfries at the Crichton Campus a course that is well measured of two mile loop. My plan was to run 3 to 4 laps pending on how I would be feeling. I run the first two miles easy (9.40 per mile) and then the next two miles faster (8.7 sec per mile) and felt fine. However, near at the finish of 4th mile and out ot the blue my hamstring of left leg and also lower calf started hurting. I warmed down for 5th mile but could not make it further as leg was hurting. Whatever happened and when I have no idea. One of these nasty surprises in running but nothing major. I put heat and ice and will keep an eye and listen to the body for a few days. Tomorrow is swimming day which will help to stretch the body.
