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9:12 AM

2.6 mi


7:48 mi

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<No name>




me and watty for a nice Sunday morning puttz. Felt pretty decent, hip felt much much stronger today than it has yet. lungs got to me again for the second run in a row... but that has long been my problem nothing new there. i was breathing heavy but honestly felt like I could hold on for a few more miles! My calfs are so sore and my left achilles (same one that got to me last summer and spring)!Is starting to feel similar to how it did last time.... how to fix it? Gonna try stretching, ibuprofen, and ice for now. Started to "race" and screw around the last .6, and of course he got me but most fun I've had running in like 8 months. could've ran three miles, felt good enough, but with the fast last .6 (like 6:40 pace) i decided it wasnt worth the extra few minutes


Jacob Wantland

Damn right I got you