Run: Easy Previous Next


2.1 mi


7:47 mi


192 lb
  • Map

<No name>




Quicky little run on the good ol' Tow Path. Thoroughly enjoyed myself and the calf held up for the second day in a row. I am really putting a LOT of time and effort into injury pre-hab and it seems to be paying off keeping me on the roads the last few days. Tomorrow will be 1/2 days off this week and hopefully make the jump to 6 days a week next week and then start to add mileage after that.

My first mile was really easy with almost no physical effort and a true "easy pace" mile and after the engine got nice and warmed up mile two was what I was thinking cruise control. The entire second mile I thought about what the pace was and i decided I loved the cruise control term because it was running without any mental effort. I never had to think, go faster, push harder, work more, or focus on my pace. It wasn't like i wasn't breathing heavier, bc I was and I could feel that effect on my body but it was at a pace for my current fitness level that was sustainable, hopefully long term, and was totally free from mental strain at least for the 1.25 that I actually felt was at that pace.
