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7:29 AM

6 mi


5:43 mi


10x1000m Repeats, today didn't go great for me, legs off the bat were still a little sore from last week and because of the 8 pm evening double I did last night being so close to now. Then we had the surprise of having to do 2 more reps than I expected. We started out a little slower at 3:30 for the first one and then the following reps 2-4 were mid to low 3:20s. For the beginning half I was able to stay real close to Nicolas but I think the combination of my legs starting to get real tired by the 6th rep and him going faster and faster each rep made me start to slow down each rep. For the 6th one I finished right with Stephen and the 7th and 8th I finished right behind him. For the 9th one, I went alone so I could regroup and go at my own pace for my body which I think saved me because for the 10th one I was able to close well at around 3:10 and the rest of the team cheering helped me not let Aidan kick me down, I looked over at the perfect time and saw his legs turn into wheels and his arms propelling him forward so I just booked it to the finish. I'd say decent day but now I need some solid recovery so I am prepared for the time trial on Thursday.
