Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:56 AM

5.5 mi


5:49 mi


Really solid tempo this time around, we did 2 loops in just under 22 minutes, then took a short water break, then cranked out 1 last loop around. For the first 2 loops around, Nicolas lead us in the beginning with Vasant, Stephen and I close behind and there were some others with us for the first mile, this time around, we didn't take it out too conservative so the pack branched off to just us 4 pretty quickly, After the first loop Nicolas had branched off and I was just Vasant and I alone to get around the loop together. I got into a rhythm and was able to maintain the next 2 miles in the 5:40s and we made it around it no time with Stephen shortly after. We then took a water break and got after it again, For the first 0.8 we were all together but then right as we got out of the forest Nicolas and Vasant surged and I just couldn't get my legs to speed up that fast to quick. Shortly after it our pack had just turned into a long broken apart line where Nicolas was leading then Vasant then Me and then Stephen and we all had around 20 feet in between us. We all made it through the final loop closing. Super solid tempo this time around, still improving, and luckily it wasn't too humid because we got out so early.
