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7:36 AM

3.2 mi


7:47 mi


16x200s with jogging rest included. Hearing that we had 200s instead of 400s today was a change for the better, I think cranking out another 22 400s this morning would've really been risky considering even with the rest day yesterday I was still not feeling 100% due to the intensity of the latter half of last week and the 10 mile increase in volume from just a single week.

This workout didn't challenge the aerobics too hard although being fit definitely made these easier, legs never got heavy, I focus on form and stride today just trying to feel smooth throughout.

We progressed nicely throughout the workout, first half being in a range of 28-32 sec then the latter half being 29 or faster.

Was supposed to be 100% humidity but the rain washed it away, wasn't too bad out.
