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7:24 AM

5 mi


5:22 mi


8x1000m repeats this morning, these went well because the weather was perfect. Not going to get weather like this for awhile.

Splits were

1 - 3:19

2 - 3:18

3 - 3:18

4 - 3:19

5 - 3:17

6 - 3:16

7 - 3:15

8 - 3:08

Because of the great weather, I didn't really get that tired until the 5th or 6th one, and still I was able to keep closing as the reps went on. I am still having an issue where on the last rep my stomach just can't take it any more due to all of the water I have been drinking just moving around throughout the workout and then it makes me gag and today it was good until I crossed the line on the last rep. I know I'm not going to town on these 1ks because even after the 8th I felt like I could do another or 2 more, but I think I just drink so much throughout the workout that it comes back to bite me in the butt. Other than that, solid 1ks this morning and the improvement keeps coming. Legs are already feeling sore due to last week, took yesterday off because I had run 7 more miles last week than the week prior and I didn't want to run more and make it even more of a jump.
