Run: Fartlek Previous Next


7:40 PM

13.3 km


6:12 km


74.3 kg


0 C


About ~7km with small group, easy run in valley (first 500m from home a bit more in pace, as I was late a bit). Then Martin did show me the other track near Luziny, and then everyone left and I decided to go for the track at Travnickova for a while. I was thinking about doing several 1km in 3:40, but I had no stopwatch, so I tried to reconfigure some exercise training app to beep every 11s, and I tried to run every 50m on track by the beeps. Worked very well, but after the first 1km I was breathing so hard toward end, that I decided it's enough for today, and went home.

Running felt quite ok. Right Achilles a bit short and woody, during fast km I can't recall feeling anything about it, not sure if I just didn't pay attention, or it was already so much warmed up. Still feels/looks much better than year ago.
