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9.1 mi


9:53 mi


9 / 10
7 / 10
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This was tough, but I felt pretty good! I pushed myself perfectly. I didn't go overboard, but I definitely did enough! My legs were still recovering slightly from the 20 miler but they were in good enough shape for a workout. I started out a little fast, doing my first interval at 8:30 pace. That was WAY too fast. I did my next one at 9:00 pace, and that was still too fast, so by the third one I was on 10 minute pace and that felt about right. I could have gone a little faster, but there was no need because my heart rate was floating around the mid 170s which was high enough. I could feel the lactic acid building in the last 3 reps, especially in the last one when I up'd the pace back to around 9:10 1 x 2.3 mile warm up [18:34 (8:02 / mile)] 6 x 800m incline at 10% grade (264 ft; total: 1,584 ft.) [8:30; 9:00; 10:00; 10:00; 10:00; 9:10] 400m recovery jog between 1 x 2.3 mile cool down [20:34 (8:54 / mile)]
