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9:10 AM

6.5 mi


17.37 mi / hr


45 F


7 / 10
8 / 10


-Brick Workout- (CRASH)

6 x hard big gear sprint (20ish seconds)

I had a pretty nasty spill right at the end of my first rep. I tried to make a corner in the aero bars at full speed which was a horrible idea. Ended up not making the turn in time, catching my wheel in gravel, and skidding off. I was yelling in agony for a least a minute or two, then was able to calm down but took a minute before getting back up. I wasn't sure if I would still get the workout in, but felt better once I got up. It could have been a lot worse.

These sprints were harder than I expected, but didn't last very long. It was just enough to get my heartrate up and get my legs heavy for the run.
