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2:00 PM

62.1 mi


15.54 mi / hr


50 F


9 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


I really should have trained for this. The first 31 wasn't too bad, but I didn't realize that I had the wind to my back, which made the whole ride home much harder than I expected. The Greenway is also much hillier than I realized. They are gentle, but long. I was really feeling them when I started getting tired on the way back. I felt my quads go dead by around mile 40. My chain came off at mile 45, and I got really lucky that someone with tools came riding by just a minute later. Once I hit mile 50 I went into beast mode for at least 4-5 miles, going back to 18mph, but then I slowed back to about 15 for the last few. All in all I was really proud of this bike ride, but it was definitely a wakeup call. I don't think I could have fun 9:00 pace for even a couple mile when getting off the bike.
