Run: Easy Previous Next


8.6 mi


7:37 mi

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<No name>


So overall it was a good run, but I noticed that I had some pain on the bottom of my left heel. It doesn't feel like the pain I had from plantar fasciitis (idt I spelled that right) because that was where my heel met the sole of my foot, but this pain is directly on the bottom of my heel. The pain isn't bad at all (like a 2/10) and it doesn't get worse over the course of the run or anything, I just want to take note of it and monitor it in case it gets any worse. Hoping it's just some lingering tightness/soreness as a result of getting my mileage back up. Honestly, I'm not too concerned but I'm going to do more rolling of the bottom of my feet with a lax ball and stretching before runs.
