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4.7 mi


7:37 mi

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<No name>


I went on a very fun bike with Connor before the run. There was a pretty nasty crosswind while we were going west that sucked because we were on totally open roads with no tree/house cover, but it was nice to get some experience like that because I've never really biked into a crosswind like that. Aside from that, the bike was awesome, we hit 37mph on a downhill with the wind at our backs while we were causing so that was pretty neat. I decided to run right after I biked to see how that would go. Despite my stride looking like that of a newborn giraffe for the first mile or so, the run wasn't awful. I decided to switch up the runs so I only went 35 today and I'm going to do the 55 tomorrow because I just felt kinda dead. Not even from the bike or anything, the legs just weren't there today. Overall, a good day.

Also, I'm not sure if it's just the quarantine bordem or genuine interest, but I've been thinking a lot about triathlons. I'm assuming the Naperville tri is gonna be canceled this year, but after high school, I'm definitely going to try out a couple of triathlons and work up to a half iron man if I like it. I've biked a lot more now than I have in a while (not counting indoor biking this winter cause that's stupid) and I've been loving it, so idk but it's just something I've been thinking about.
