Bike: Easy Previous Next


25.7 mi


16.77 mi / hr

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<No name>


Okay so I was planning on doing an easy today, but Connor suggested that we go for a chill bike. I decided to just go on this long-ish bike instead of running for today. I get that this wasn't ideal interms of my training plan but I hadn't taken an off day in ~3 weeks and I figured it could help the pain in my heel. That being said, the heel pain has been improving in the past couple days, but I just want to be sure not to be stupid with it. Overall the bike was nice and chill, but Connor showed me a really fun hill if you take a right from the Trout Ponds off of Whalon lake (instead of going left to the York Hills). Fun times, when this whole thing is over I wanna get some boys together for a bike up there cause it was a cool path and I had never gone that way before, which is always nice.


Paul Vandersteen

Smart move. Been that way many times :)