Run: Tempo Previous Next


3 mi


6:42 mi

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<No name>


Okay so I'm going to type up the writeup for the whole workout here:

This was my first hills day in forever and my first Q day besides a couple tempo days that I've done in the past couple of weeks so I was pretty nervous/anxious to see how this would go. Mile warmup felt good, if a little hot. We decided to go for the group C workout as neither of us had been doing Q days for a while before this. The tempo was okay, I could tell we were holding back a bit too much for the hills and I wasn't really happy with the result of it, but I also wanted to make sure I could hit the hills pretty well. So I'm not thrilled but it's not the end of the world.

The hills felt honestly better than I thought they would, I mean they sucked like usual, but I felt a lot better than I thought I would. I could tell that I still need a lot of building back up to be happy with where I am, but overall its a nice starting point for hill workouts. I ended up doing 3 hills because Luke was pretty high key about to die and I wanted to make sure neither of us died out there (I'm kind of joking there but not really, I set out wanting to do 3-4 hills, so I'm fine with what I got done). The run back kinda sucked but we took it really chill. Luke said he started to get chills and felt really bad, so we stopped for a bit about halfway back to get a chance to recover. I felt pretty bad on this way back, but it was one of those "just suck it up and run" kind of cool downs, so its whatever.

On the whole, its not exactly was I was hoping for, but I'm confident that I'll be able to build from this and get back into full workouts.
