Run: Tempo Previous Next


8.9 mi


6:48 mi

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High Plain


Ran the tempo for the middle 4 miles. Started at 133, and ended once I passed greenwood. The first 3 miles were roughly 22 and the last 2ish were 15:28. So the 4 miles were run in about 23 minutes. So I averaged 545s for the tempo. Not that fast, but not slow. I'm happy with it. Glad i ran today as well. Almost took the day off, as I had to wrap presents and Nikki just got engaged and we are celebrating xmas today, but ally said it was really nice out, and she was right. Glad I ran. Tomorrow should also be fun. Tried to pick it up every mile, but I don't know what the paces were as the mile marks were just estimates and I didn't feel like figuring out splits while running. Happy with my times. This entry is riddled with runnon sentences and confused thoughs b/c I just got back from my run.
