Run: Easy Previous Next


7.3 mi

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West Loop


I need to buy new shoes this weekend. Felt pretty good for this run. Probably ran it under 730s. I'm going to start timing my runs. I feel like I need that information. I also made a goal to run 280 miles in the next 40ish days, so before the marathon. I think that the goal thing is a lot like chasing miles, but that is what I need to do right now. I plan to run a fair amount the next 3 weeks, than drop down for the last couple weeks. It should be doable.

I also did some planks and push ups and pullups. I'm not going to write how little, b/c I'm really weak. I'm going to do that everyday. It's not much, but I clearly need to be doing more than I currently am.

First day of spring. It was pretty nice out, kind of windy. That is all.
