Run: Threshold Previous Next


7.8 mi


6:05 mi


Splits (pace/time):

1. 5:27/4:18

2. 5:15/4:08

3. 5:18/4:08

4. 5:13/4:03

5. 5:13/4:05

6. 5:12/4:02

7. 5:04/4:02

I felt absolutely horrible in the two runs preceding this workout. Moreover, I felt terrible the entire day of this workout! I ended up putting it off until the very last minute simply because I was scared of utter debacle. Consequently, my goal was to just do 5 repeats at sub 5:20 pace. During the first rep, I knew I wasn't running fast enough. It felt controlled and smoothed, but I just manage to make my legs turnover fast. But gradually I began to warm-up and the gears slowly began to shift. By the end, I felt like I could've gone sub 5 if I wanted to. However, I simply stayed controlled, and logged really high volume. I don't know that I've ever logged more AC intervals than this. According to Jack Daniel's, the speed of my repeats were sufficient. It was very cool and crisp outside, and I feel like the loop where I ran the hard intervals might've had a net downhill. Nevertheless, I'm really happy with this workout. Hopefully, it gets me out of this rut!

P.S.- I also reduced recovery time throughout the workout
