Run: Progression Previous Next


10 mi


7:15 mi

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Bike path


Cool, perfect temps, little wind. Slept 10 hours last night and woke up feeling good. I killed the bug!

10 miles progression; 1 HR 145-155, 4 155-165, 3 165-175, 2 175-185 not higher!

10 miles, 7:15 pace, HR AVG 169, BP 4:59, max HR 193 (even though my monitor never showed HR higher than 185!!! )

1. 8:07 148

2. 7:55 167

3. 7:33 166

4. 7:42 167

5. 7:29 166

6. 6:58 173

7. 7:00 176

8. 6:57 176

9. 6:27 182 - could not get HR higher, legs did not want to go faster..

10. 6:17 184 - here I actually slowed down a bit when I saw 185 on the monitor, as to not go over, but did push the pace last 400m.

I was bummed that the last 2 miles were not closer to my desired 5K pace. They felt hard, but manageable, and I did not have any nausea except the last 400m when I pushed the pace. In retrospect, I think I did fine. I ran on tired legs, with many fast miles before, and when fighting a bug. I think I am going to be OK. I worked on practicing a few mental strategies during the last mile - distraction, counting, etc. Will keep at it.

Also, based on the FIRST plan, my last 2 miles were exactly at the short tempo pace for an 18:50 5K. Also, based on Daniels, the T pace for Vdot 54 (18:40) is 6:26. So, I am good!

Cooled down with 1 easy mile for 11 total. Legs feel fine.

Saucony Kinvaras are my perfect shoe. Period. I like Brooks and the sponsorship, the the shoes don't come close to Kinvaras for my particular foot.

I am realizing how much the 2 easy runs/day help with recovery. Amazing!



Stalking on the charter bus:) Love reading your notes. No flyin' by the seat of your pants for you:) Your race will reflect your training and I think/know you will be quite confident of that sub 19 based on what you've done physically on race day!! I also absolutely believe your nausea will subside by that point and I have NEVER had any doubt in your mental toughness. This is seriously an awesome progression. A 6:17 for mile 10!!!!! Uffda.