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7:30 AM


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  • Exercises


Legs and plyos

3x15 squats on reversed bosu

2x60 secs/leg one leg stability

reversed bridges, one leg , 20/leg

reverse bridge with leg lifts on swiss ball, 15/leg

3x20 step ups/leg

2x15 hamstring curls on swiss ball

2x10 hamstrings straight legs

2x10 hamstrings bent legs

20 clams with bands/leg

20 leg lifts with glute engaged/leg

15 hydrants/leg

10 lunges transition into side lunges

20 deadlifts 45 lbs

2x15 leg presses with 50 lbs

2x15 single leg press/leg with 30 lbs

3x10 jumps on leg press with weight 30lbs

30 adductor 45 lbs

30 abductor 45 lbs

20 leg curls 30 lbs

20 leg extensions 30 lbs
