Run: Long Previous Next


7:00 AM

16 mi


7:54 mi


Plan called for 16, first 8 @ 8:30-9:00, second 8 @ 8:00-8:30.

I goofed. On one hand I am happy with this run, on the other hand...I did not follow the plan. When I left the house I planned to follow the workout as it was written. But then something happened. I was on a high and could not think straight. My legs felt so strong and springy, and the pace felt so easy...Even the last few miles, not hard, not how I am used to finish my long runs, collapsing on the ground with vomit in my mouth waiting for a crane to pick me up and transport me to my bed..I felt strong all the way.

Windy out today. headwind going out, tailwind coming back. Flat with lots of false flats.

1. 8:31

2. 8:26

3. 8:23

4. 8:20

5. 8:00

6. 7:58

7. 8:14

8. 8:07

9. 7:52

10. 7:47

11. 7:49

12. 7:44

13. 7:34

14. 7:31

15. 7:18

16. 7:08

Then .5 mile walk home for cool down.

Legs felt great. Calves a bit tight and will do lots of eccentric stretches today.
