Vibram FiveFingers KSO (retired)

Equipment Info
Activity: Run
Shoe size: 43.00 (Europe)
Total distance: 19.17 mi
Purchase date: 10/9/2009
Price: $85.00
No picture
My review:

Fits feet like a glove and really does give the "barefoot experience." It seems like every time I put them on they fit a little bit better and I want to wear them longer before taking them off. These shoes do have some downsides though depending on what you are doing with them and what surfaces you are on. It's a little more difficult to do road running than trail running, obviously. I don't suggest colder temperatures, especially when it is wet out or you are in for some frozen toes. I remain skeptical as to whether or not the Flow model would really be any better for that. Still, if you are looking to get back to nature a bit or try out the barefoot running craze then these really are a must--they will protect your feet from all the dangerous stuff on the ground but still let you really connect with the earth beneath your feet.