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7:12 AM

2.4 mi


3.31 mi / hr


83 bpm
95 bpm
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Smokey, but walked without a mask.

Good walk. Heel felt like it was working, but didn't get painful. After the walk I tried a short run - around 50 feet. Felt odd with the heel pads in my shoes, but otherwise ok. Left it at that for now.

Did 3 x 15 of the eccentric exercise this morning (shoes on). First set was getting a little painful on the last few. Second and third sets hardly any pain! Glad I read Alfredson's paper and noticed that his protocol is 3 x 15 twice a day. Also did some plyometrics (shoes on). They went ok too. Can do a little jogging in place on balls of feet.

With percussion massage found a Youtube video about using the side of the massage head to do cross friction. Did a little bit of that yesterday evening and it really seemed to help.

Had to take the night splint off after several hours. Foot was hurting where it was in contact with the night splint. Tried adjusting positions but it didn't really help, so took it off. Was concerned that it would be sore when I walked, but after doing the stretching with the pro-stretch device it felt ok walking.
