Run: Easy Previous Next


10:40 AM

4.3 mi


11:31 mi


114 bpm
128 bpm


25 F
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Snowy, snowy run. Ran on the streets for the most part - well plowed. Went all the way to the top of the hill at WSU TC and back. Would have gone farther, but I'd told Carol I was only going to run 2 or 3 miles. First mile or so my legs weren't feeling very good. Once I got warmed up, though, it felt good to be working out the stiffness and some of the joint soreness that I experienced on Friday. Got my second done of COVID vaccine on Thursday. On Thursday night had the worst reaction - sore, achy, restless. On Friday some of the soreness and aching continued.

Yesterday had to shovel the 7+ inches of snow off of the driveway!

Oddly, today when I was running on Harris St. where it had been plowed I wasn't slipping much at all (was wearing my running Yaktrax.) At WSU TC they had also plowed, but I was slipping a lot more. Not sure what was different about their plowing, but something was!
