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15.3 mi


6:27 mi

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<No name>


Weather was pretty nice today, fairly cool and overcast but very humid. Ran over to NCC to meet up with the guys and see what they had planned. Legs and form felt surprisingly strong and smooth the better part of the first 50 minutes. Breathing was good as well until after hitting the bathroom. We headed out to Danada today and had a decent group. Was weird to have the foot and legs feel pretty good and just wanted to surge but knew it wasn't the time today if I wanted to actually make it long as well. Foot started to feel a bit worse when we finally hit the horse track. Wanted to run with the group that turned off for 90 minutes but needed to run a few minutes further out to hit up the bathroom. Didn't feel nearly as good with breathing or rhythm on the way back and foot just progressively got worse. Never ended up surging because the legs and body were getting fatigued. Maintained a decent pace the rest of the way just trying to relax the legs and foot. Stopped back through NCC briefly before running back home. Probably either the longest or second longest run I've done since I've been back running. Pretty good day overall although I'd love to feel like I could get back to 2 hours or make it to like 75 minutes before the foot would hurt.
