Run: Building Previous Next


12.6 mi


6:04 mi

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<No name>


Pretty solid run today even though I wasn't able to get up early and run on the lakefront. Instead finally got out and going shortly after 7 after getting back from work. The weather was still really nice with nearly no wind and just mildly warm temperatures. Headed out to Springbrook today. Legs felt surprisingly fresh even though right foot strike still felt off. Made it out in just under 18:30 before hitting the main trail. Then hit miles at 6:01, 5:58, 5:49, 5:38 and another half mile in the middle right at 3:00. Decided after going under the bridge to settle back in on the grass loop so I can still work out tomorrow. Relaxed a bit in there and then right at 1 hour started 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy the rest of the way in. Kept most of that cadence between 96-99, which was good. Legs didn't feel great on this but didn't feel bad either. Solid steady run today and hoping to get in something harder tomorrow.
