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10 mi


5:26 mi

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Tough one out there today. Weird to get started so early in the morning for me right now. Dietary planning for this was less that good and that took it's toll later in the run. Started off nice and relaxed with the group for a decent chunk of the first mile. Felt like I definitely could have gotten out harder and been fine but didn't trust my lower legs currently or my ability to not have to shit, both of which would be true later in the run. Made the first lap in 13:34 already feeling like I could stop and shit if there was a spot on the course to do so. Second lap just tried to run about the same time. Felt like I was going a little slower but came through the 2nd part in 13:29 for a 27:04 halfway split. The feeling of having to shit would come and go on these laps but always get worse as the pace picked up. The third lap I definitely could have used the pit stop but wanted to just relax the best I could and keep going. Hit the third lap in 13:38. I was hoping for a negative split the whole way so that was disappointing but I hadn't stopped to shit yet at least. The last lap I tried to pick it back up but keep the foot strike smooth. This worked off and on but whenever I really felt like I was going get going, I'd have to shit and slow it back down. The attempt to not deuce kept my last mile over 5 minutes which was disappointing. Finished up and immediately jogged over to the port-a-potty. Wish I could have hit that halfway through the race and negative split it. Last lap was 13:29 again at least. Pretty consistent for where I've been lately. Lower legs were definitely sore and tight afterward and had taken their toll.
