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19.3 mi


6:14 mi

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<No name>


Legs felt miserable today. Very tired legs, felt heavy with being tired and the heavier clothes. That mixed with terrible cold temps, and wind chills below 0 set me up to be pissed off almost the entire run. Went into Lisle so I had no idea where the route was supposed to go. Stayed with the team until 56 minutes or so, and then just kept going because I was so pissed how numb and tingling my fingers were. Made it out just over an hour before turning around. Met back up with the group for another 5 minutes or so before heading back by again. Then stopped to deuce down by Lisle high school. Tim waited for me because we both didn't want to run super slow but I felt like he could've dropped me any time. We took a couple miles to get back up with the group and then passed them by Green Trails road. Kept the pace honest on the way back and then had to do an extra library loop, extended up to North and over to Sleight. Got my time in but was super pissed with almost everything today. Only good news is that we went much faster than I thought we did.
