Run: Building Previous Next


10 mi


5:49 mi

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Took a little while to get going today and weather was pretty nice. A little drizzle and could feel really windy but temps are still mid 40s. Took my first bathroom break at Bauer on the way out. Still felt pretty good but it was definitely a touch tougher going into the wind in the back loop. Started my pick ups at 6.22 in 38:03 (6:08 pace). Ended up getting in 7 x 2 minutes hard with 1 minute easy between. Ran the last 3.76 in 20:00 (5:20 pace). Not too shabby for 1/3 of it being easy. Overall a solid run for not feeling too fluid once I got running harder. Still not bad for some heavier shoes. Glad to get something in after taking yesterday off.
