Run: Building Previous Next


8.4 mi


5:59 mi

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<No name>


Decided I would give a run a shot since Brady said they weren't going too fast. We started off pretty smooth instead of tempo pace, so that was weird through 4 or so miles. By that point were starting to slowly creep the pace up and keep that pretty active until about 2 miles to go. Then picked it up some more and opened up a bit the last mile. Brady said the last 2 were 5:34 and 5:24 before the extra .4. That would leave that chunk probably closer to 5:00 pace or so. I was definitely struggling to keep up the last chunk with both form, breathing, and bounce in the legs but was glad I did it. Legs felt pretty shot afterward and hip really flared up. Took awhile to calm that down before getting into my lifting. Spent a few hours in the weight room working on both upper body and lower body, but only things my hip could take on the lower body. Got some pull-ups, dead lifts, curls, OH press, bench briefly, moving dumbbell row with push-ups, etc before adding in my med ball abs. Ended up with 230 push-ups for the day and 795 crunches with the med ball. Very strong workout day and will definitely be sore and tired tomorrow.
