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21.5 mi


21.23 mi / hr

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<No name>


Tough ride in the heat today but at least the wind wasn't very bad. Wanted to get up early today but didn't get it done so had to start this at 7:30 at night after work and the chiro. Headed out toward Greene Valley and out to Royce road. Then headed a touch further into Bolingbrook and up another steep climb before taking a short break to get my breath and some more water. Then turned to head back. Was much tougher riding back down Greene Rd slightly into the wind but was still moving well for the most part. Once I got back across Hobson, was pushing the pace pretty well again. Hit the hills pretty hard and was definitely fatiguing. Had a couple patches where I was really pushing hard to stick around 24 mph or just over. Was really winded after those moments as well as my patch back up hill. Had a solid close, down to Gartner, up towards the park after Modaff, turned around and headed home. Solid ride today despite unfortunately taking yesterday off.
