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1 mi

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<No name>


2 x (4 x 200m) with 200m jogging rest between reps, and 1 min standing rest between sets.

Started off with a small cup of coffee 90 min before I left on my warmup. I wanted to do this on the varsity track, but when I got there, there were already people on there. I ended up just doing them at the start of the tempo loop. I ran the 200 out, then jogged the 200 back. Jogs back were a bit longer than 200 because of the de-acceleration out. Each one was between 30 and 34, so nothing crazy. Every rep I felt like I could go faster if need be. Also the start of the tempo loop is a slight downhill at the start, so that was helping me out too. This was just a lil something to help me retain some of my top end speed. Felt really good to open up the legs.



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