Run: Easy Previous Next


6.8 mi


6:52 mi

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<No name>


Most times that I run on my own, I always end the run tired, even though I don't feel like I'm moving fast at all. Today, in an effort to see if this was due to pace or endurance, I wore a GPS watch. At mile 3, I checked my splits, and my first three miles were 6:44, 6:35, 6:24. And that right there is why I hate running by myself. I seriously must be the worst pacer in the world. I took it slow on the way back, but with the heat at 85, it definitely didn't feel great. Was planning on 8 miles, but cut the run short due to a *bathroom emergency* involving some spicy Mexican food. From now on, I'll be running with a watch when I run solo to make sure I stop shooting myself in the foot on every run.

I also got catcalled for the first time ever on a run. I was at a crosswalk waiting for the light, and two girls yelled at me that I was hot. I can't imagine why, considering I was dripping sweat, gasping for air with my tongue hanging out of my mouth, and there were a lot of dead gnats stuck to my stomach. I appreciated it anyway though.


Cody Lund

Wow you randomly dropped a 6:24 lol. Maybe they liked your shorts


It was the gnats


dude the gnats are something else, man. So grody