Bike: Long Previous Next


11:00 AM

60 mi


15 mi / hr


160 lb
162 bpm
183 bpm


80 F


8 / 10
1 / 10
  • Map

W&OD Trail


This was a pretty brutal ride. Rode with Nav. Think I might have been sick - just standing, before getting on bike, my hr was in the 130s (similar to that terrible run I had last fall).

Rode to the top of Dry Mill Rd and back. Felt pretty good until I got to Dry Mill Road. Suffered going up and on the way back - wound up taking 4 breaks, and at one time felt a little nauseous. Clearly was not taking in enough calories (only had low-cal Gatorade, 1 GU, and half a banana).

This ride was practically double my longest ride of the year, so I'm sure that had something to do with it, too.

On the plus side, knee held up great - didn't really feel it at all during the ride.
