Run: Trail Previous Next


9:30 AM

13.9 mi


20:33 mi


117 bpm
155 bpm
59 bpm


56 F
  • Map


- Elk Creek to Delaney Park - 11 significant climbs (significant means I had to stop hiking at least once to catch my breath or let my legs rest) - got to Oxley in 1hr, 45 min (5.5 miles) - ran low on water towards the end

- had entertained thoughts of adding the north side of the Delaney loop, but having to sit three times climbing Spurgeon put the kibosh to that.

- not a complete victory, but also not a complete defeat - evidence I need a lot of work though

- finished before 2:30pm

- no breakfast might not have been the best move; only one half of a 5hr energy...
