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11:00 AM

10.1 mi


6:38 mi


6:38 avg. Set out to do 1 hour at M pace; 6:43 at slowest but was hoping for under 6:30 without feeling too badly. Took phone to see if I'd get a text from Andrew; slowed to a slow jog to read it during first mile, but back quickly: 6:40. Second mile I came across some elementary boys running around Bundy Park, so raced up right behind the leader and ran right behind him til we reached Byron Hallock. Then finished loop and kept going. 6:24. Third mile I took a call from John: 6:31. Wind was up more than I was hoping - went out Aitken Road but hitting me a bit from the side, and dead raccoon on the road: 6:36. Turned around @ Cottonwood by Franzen Hill and came back - felt a little better: 6:32. Wind not quite so bad on next mile, and got the flow going a bit once I hit the pavement: 6:18. Still felt really good on 7th mile, though shoulder was a bit tight: 6:19. I knew I had just a couple miles left and was still feeling good til I hit the wind on Highway 24. But kept the pace up: 6:13. I just wound around the southside for last mile (6:17) and kept going for another .35 mile til I hit 60 minutes. Pace for the hour was 6:25. Pretty happy w/ that! Foot sore @ start but not during. Cold soak after - just a bit sore.
