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7:30 PM

10 mi


7:30 mi

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10 mile loop


Doing 10 today probably wasn't ideal, but it happened nonetheless. When I woke up I was very tired and couldn't concentrate very well at school. Allergies were very very bad today had a hard time breathing all day and forgot to take my medicine the past few days which did not help. I need to be careful as my body is still giving me a yellow light. Hip was still very tight and still could not sprint.

Also have been thinking deeply about how I am going to train this summer. One thing I have to work on is retaining my endurance the entire season. Not only in terms of mileage but also aerobic threshold. This excerpt from Canova explains a lot:

1) NEVER you have to lose what you were able to conquire. This means that, if you are a 1500m runner able to run at the end of your winter season, 1 hr at 3'30" (17 km), you CANNOT reach your best results if, in July, you are able running 10 x 300 in 42" with 1:00 recovery, but in 1 hr you are only more able to run 15 km. TRAINING IS TO ADD, NOT TO REPLACE.
