Run: Easy Previous Next


1.3 mi


8:13 mi

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First of all, I just did an 8:13 mile with total ease at HR145..... what the what, am I actually getting into shape?

Now begining to call things, sensations, and not pain... i think this is actually a big mental part of the puzzle...

Knees-- sensations as I climbed, nothing acutely painful

Shoulder-- sensations around 5:00 min, felt a little stiff around the chest and right at the shoulder

Groin-- weirdly felt the best its felt for a long time! Not as stiff as I was climbing

Did 4 strides again, last one 30 sec, and except for one burst of acute groin pain it felt much better! I wonder if the exercises warm it up and get blood flowing or something

Full stretches after

Arms-- feeling good right now, and have not been too bad all morning

pinky- feeling better-- ready to play more guitar

Voice-- a little tired after PT but better now, seems to be ok

I'm feeling cautiously optimistic
