Run: Easy Previous Next


1.3 mi


8:32 mi

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Oy. Post just got deleted :(

I'll summarize. Was super depressed. not as bad now. Started out very optimistic and trying to be mindful of everything

SHoulder- around 4:55 i noticed it

Hammy-- felt tight on the uphills, and when I did a 30 sec sprint at the end!

arms- felt seriously crappy at points today

pinky- the discomfort oddly moves around I don't get it-- but I'm playing guitar with less fear

Back--- was doing work for mom and now I am scared of hurting my back again, sometimes I hate the way I think about these things; how might I have more faith in my body?

Voice-- feeling way better, but not very tested

knees-- felt not so bad! hurt on the second set, right knee of backpack slant board

2 sets blue band exercises!

Slant board with backpack

