Bike: Easy Previous Next


8:35 AM

65.7 mi


19.62 mi / hr


138 bpm
177 bpm


85 F
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First hour:

Went easy. Probably a little lower heart rate wise than I wanted to, but it was easy either way. Took a gel every 30 minutes and drank every 15. Nutrition was on track. At the first stop I topped by bottles off so that I would be able to finish the ride without stopping. Ended up getting some of the worst tasting gatorade.

90 minutes moderate:

Kept up a good pace. Tried to keep myself outside of Brandons draft. I didn't go as hard as I could and probably ended up keeping my heart rate about around 78%. After this finished I still felt pretty good. Kept up the nutrition/drinking up, ate 2 gels and the last half of my powerbar.

30 minutes steady:

Pretty painful. I started this at the first hill in Sunnyvale, continued through stopping at each sign and then finished up on the access road. I wasn't fortunate enough and didn't catch the lights this time through. Drank as needed through this part.


Ate my last gel at the beginning and drank several times to prepare for the run. Had a little trouble dropping my heart rate, didn't have any headwind on the access road, but I was pretty much done at this point.

I didn't exhaust myself and felt pretty good for the rest of the day.
