Run: Interval Previous Next


7:10 AM

10 mi


6:08 mi


40 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
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Had a great workout this morning down at the track. I did my classic threshold 1000's, with 50 seconds recovery between each. This was a bit less recovery than last time, and meanwhile, I ran the reps a bit faster than two weeks ago, too - coming through for most at about 3:18/19. I also, for the very first time, did 9 reps rather than stopping with the usual 6-8. And all this in trainers. Glad to see such marked improvement from just two weeks ago, and to have the legs up for this so soon after the race last weekend.

Complicating this workout was the fact that my watch - perhaps because of the cold? - died during the first rep, and though it kept restarting, wouldn't work for the next three reps. Had to go by effort, and count the recovery in my head. Luckily it came back in time for the fourth rep, and everything stayed on track in the meantime.
