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8:30 PM

5 mi


5:22 mi


77 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
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HG Track


I did my first workout on the track of the summer this evening, and it went really well. It was extremely humid (literally 99% at 77 degrees) which wasn't super pleasant, but once I got going the workout felt great. I did my favorite workout of 8x1000m at threshold, doing them in about 3:20 with 1 min rest between each. I ended up coming in for each at 3:23, 3:21, 3:20, 3:20, 3:20, 3:19, 3:17, 3:11. I found after the first one (during which I think I was just warming up to the pace) that I was feeling incredible smooth and relaxed, just cruising through even splits and feeling good. After about the halfway point I started needing to work a little harder to hit the times, but even then I stayed very relaxed. For the last two or so I started picking up the pace a bit, and I found that while I was working hard and starting to hurt a little bit it was the kind of hard work when you still feel very good and strong, not the dying kind that I felt so often last spring. All in all this was a great first track workout that shows that my consistent training so far this summer, which has been among my best training ever, has been going really well.
