Run: Tempo Previous Next


12:45 PM

11.5 mi


5:50 mi


8 / 10
9 / 10
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I did my longest steady state yet this spring, going hard for 45 minutes on this rather warm afternoon. The warm up was nice and slow, and I was worried that my legs were going to be tired for the workout. However, I was pleased to see that once I got going they actually did fairly well. By no means feeling particularly fresh or 100%, but not too bad at all. I didn't push the pace too much for the first half hour or so, trying to keep it smooth and completely aerobic, and then really only started pushing for the final five minutes or so for a hard finish. I ended up averaging about 5:40 pace for the 45 min, which isn't fantastic, but it turns out that the first three miles or so (with two decent hills) was at about 5:50s, which means the remaining 5 miles or so were quite a bit faster - and the last mile was supposedly about a 5:20! All in all a solid workout on legs that have been working very hard lately.
