Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:15 PM

9.2 mi


5:56 mi


42 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

5.1.16 MMR


Couldn't get out for a run from the office today because of a lunch date, so I forced myself out this evening for a tough tempo, and I'm glad that I did. After a 2 mile warmup I did a little over 5.6 miles at tempo in 30:40, averaging 5:27/mile. The route had a net downhill, but still rolled a bit and felt great. I wasn't pushing too hard - indeed, I was afraid at moments that I wasn't pushing hard enough! - and so am particularly pleased with the result.

I also did this in my new Nike shoes, putting them to the test right away. I tied them a little too tight for the warmup and had to loosen them before the workout, but once I did they felt great.
