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12:13 PM

5 mi


6:59 mi


136 bpm
161 bpm


24 F


5 / 10
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Felt great starting out another easier recovery week before diving into the next planned training block in earnest -- until I rolled my bad ankle again just after the top of Blair. Serious and immediate pain, and I think I heard something as it happened. It was hardly anything on the ground - seems most likely it was just a frozen tractor track in the dirt road that I hit on a slight angle. Jogged home, with persistent but manageable pain for the last ~15 mins.

The fact that something so small could hurt so much makes me think there has to be something going on. Made an appt to see an orthopedist at the end of the week. In the meantime, will ice and rest and hope this isn't a long setback. Admittedly, however frustrating this, I'm thankful it was after the time trial, and that I could have one full successful training block before hitting a snag like this. But tough start to the new year.
