Run: Fartlek Previous Next


1:00 PM

10 mi


5:53 mi


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map



Despite my legs still being pretty tired (why??), I got in a good fartlek workout this afternoon. I did a new loop out toward Genthod, chosen with an aim to keep it relatively flat for the workout. I did 15 min @ tempo, 7 min @ 8k, 5 min @ 5k, and 3 min @ 3k with 2 min, 90 sec, 60 sec recovery respectively. It felt fairly good, though not awesome, and I was pleased with the paces that I ran. I did about 5:30s for the first piece (felt very smooth, not pressing too much), about 5:35s for the second (not positive on start and end points, so this might not be quite right...), 5:30-5:35 for the third piece (was apparently getting tired here, and again not sure on start and end points), and then 4:40 pace for the final piece. Was particularly surprised by the paces for the first and last parts, which were especially strong. Was then also surpsied to find that my slow slogging cooldown back to the office was still at 6:25s - much faster than I would have thought.

All in all a strong workout with good speed, which hopefully will help snap my legs back into shape.
